
Shop 1/181 Hay St, Haymarket NSW 2000

02 9280 1321




Before > After

Before After


我們認識到每位患者都是獨一無二的,因此我們會根據個人需求定制治療計劃。 我們的團隊將進行全面評估,考慮您的口腔健康、骨骼結構和審美目標,以製定最適合您的定制治療計劃。


Before After



Before After

當您選擇 Glow Dental 的牙科填充團隊時,您可以相信您正在接受最高標準的護理。我們熱衷於幫助您實現健康美麗的微笑,我們為我們精確細緻的牙科填充方法感到自豪。


Before After

通過正畸治療,不僅可以改善牙齒的外觀,還可以增強口腔健康和咀嚼功能。在 Glow Dental,我們提供廣泛的正畸選擇,包括傳統牙套和 Invisalign 隱形矯正器,以滿足患者的獨特需求和偏好。


Before After

無論您是想矯正牙齒缺陷、增強笑容,還是實現徹底的笑容改頭換面,我們專業的貼麵團隊都會隨時為您提供幫助。體驗 Glow Dental 團隊的專業知識和藝術性,讓我們用美麗的貼面改變您的笑容。



Before After



Before After


Before > After

Before > After

Before > After

To provide you with a more visual understanding of our professional capabilities and treatment outcomes, we have included a selection of before-and-after case photos that bear witness to the astonishing transformations experienced during their treatment journeys.
Before After

Dental Implant

We recognize that every patient is unique, and we tailor our treatment plans to address individual needs. Our team will conduct a comprehensive assessment, considering your oral health, bone structure, and aesthetic goals, to create a customized treatment plan that suits you best.

Teeth whitening

Before After

Utilizing advanced teeth whitening techniques, we effectively remove stains and discoloration from the teeth, revealing a brighter and whiter smile.

Dental Filling

Before After

When you choose our dental filling team at Glow Dental, you can trust that you are receiving the highest standard of care. We are passionate about helping you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile, and we take pride in our precise and meticulous approach to dental fillings.


Before After

Through orthodontic treatment, not only can the appearance of the teeth be improved, but it can also enhance oral health and chewing function. At Glow Dental, we offer a wide range of orthodontic options, including traditional braces and Invisalign clear aligners, to cater to the unique needs and preferences of our patients.


Before After

Whether you’re seeking to correct dental imperfections, enhance your smile, or achieve a complete smile makeover, our dedicated veneer team is here to help. Experience the expertise and artistry of our team at Glow Dental and let us transform your smile with beautiful veneers.

Schedule a consultation with our veneer specialists today and take the first step towards achieving the smile of your dreams.

Deep Cleaning

Before After

With meticulous attention to detail, our dental experts meticulously remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria that have accumulated below the gumline and along the tooth roots. This deep cleaning process not only eliminates harmful substances but also helps to reduce inflammation, prevent further gum deterioration, and promote the healing of gum tissues.

Broken or chipped teeth

Before After

Our experienced dental team utilizes advanced techniques and materials to restore damaged teeth to their natural beauty and functionality.